FreeWheeling Fun and the Friends of the Bendigo Kilmore Rail Trail groups will both be at the Heathcote Bush Market this Saturday 7-NOV, in Barrick Reserve next to the Visitor Information Centre.

FBKRT LogoThe ‘Your Rail Trail‘ information stand will have volunteer members from the Friends of the Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail providing details about the O’Keefe Rail Trail’s development, maps, and future trail plans. Also available will be copies of the new official O’Keefe Rail Trail brochure, just ‘hot’ off the press, so be one of the first to obtain a copy!

Like to know more about the 2015 Great Victorian Bike Ride’s optional ride route on ‘Day 7’ Dec 4th, Bendigo to Heathcote section? Come along and say “Hi” when at this info stand and learn more.


Freewheeling Fun logoFreewheeling Fun enables access to bicycles for everyone, by recycling bicycles and making them available to the community. With cycling ideas, technical advice, and a bike repair service, this is aimed at encouraging more members of the Heathcote community to enjoy the benefits and fun of cycling. It looks like being a fun day! Freewheeling Fun

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