We are the Friends of the Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail, a passionate community group who share a vision of creating a long-distance trail that follows the historic route of the former Wandong, Heathcote, Sandhurst Railway. This trail currently connects the vibrant towns of Bendigo, Axedale and Heathcote with plans to extend to Tooborac, Pyalong, Kilmore and Wallan. We believe that Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail benefits the local communities, the environment, and the visitors who come to enjoy this beautiful part of Victoria.
The FBKRT acts as a specialist trail advisory body to local councils, assisting in a number of ways for the O’Keefe Rail Trail development, advocating for the creation of a Wallan to Heathcote rail trail, the upgrading of the Bendigo Bushland Trail, creating a linked network of trails in regional Victoria, caring about community health and wellbeing, encouraging more people to walk and cycle, and generally spreading this community enthusiasm.

Rail Wagon at Axedale Platform

Replacing Racecourse Platform, Axedale
Our current projects include:
- Extending the Rail Trail network across Central Victoria (Heathcote to Wandong).
- Advising and assisting with the development of a bushland cycling trail from Heathcote to Rushworth and the Rail Trail from Rushworth to Colbinabbin
- Planning a new heritage precinct to display rail relics.
- Renovating a collection of trail memorabilia (signal masts, crane hook, wagon wheels)
- Replacing and painting trail signs
- Constructing picnic tables and shelters
- Upgrading the Bendigo Bushland Trail
- Mapping and infrastructure audits
- Recording trail use

A social ride with the Friends
Our social activities include:
- Monthly rides in various locations
- An annual multi day get away
- Dinners