The small township of Knowsley and adjoining neighbours of the O’Keefe Rail Trail will benefit from recent community volunteers’ efforts, as well as improving the trail’s linking of high biodiversity areas.

Preparing for planting. Photo: Tony Smith

Members from Friends of the Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail assisted the City of Greater Bendigo council’s Parks and Natural Reserves unit, by planting 180 salt tolerant shrubs and grasses to act as a screen between the trail and an adjoining neighbour’s property.

The volunteers in action. Photo: Tony Smith

While this area had previously been planted with trees in 2015, over a recent period of time, these trees have suffered from what is believed to be soil salinity levels. With specific species selection, council staff are hoping to have better success for this planting.

It’s also a hands and knees effort! Photo: Tony Smith

This working bee also included the installation of protection guards, as well as applying mulch around the plants. With the timing of rainfall during the following days, it is expected that this will give these new plants a great start for success.