While out riding, running, or walking along the O’Keefe Rail Trail, do people wonder how this trail has been supported by volunteers?

Installing a road crossing sign, 2016 Photo: G.Long

Community group Friends of the Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail members continue to have a close association with the O’Keefe Rail Trail, investing significant volunteer hours, as well as raising money to fund trail projects.

A station name board installation, 2016. Photo: G.Long

A number of projects have been jointly funded by various community grants from private companies, community organisations, and the City of Greater Bendigo, with the Friends group. 

Willing volunteers, 2016 Photo: late Stan Pieper

Over the past 16 years, the group has been involved with providing 21 table-seat units, 6 station name boards, various identification- road crossing signs, 2 bike maintenance stations, 2 water stations, 3 replica railway station platforms, 2 railway road gates, numerous concrete railway ‘mile posts’, and a restored heritage railway wagon with its own railway line, to name just a few.

Would you like to be involved with the Friends group’s community activities and the O’Keefe Rail Trail? Becoming a member is really easy. Just contact https://bendigokilmorerailtrail.com/contact-us/