“Just build it, and they will come” is often a statement made about proposed community facilities. The Northern Rivers Rail Trail (NRRT), in NSW, has been such a project. The NRRT committee is feeling mighty pleased this month, with user numbers having exceeded all expectations.
Originally, planners of this 24km opened section estimated 27,000 users a year, but in the first 12 months since it opened in March 2023, more than 140,000 users have enjoyed the NRRT.

Not resting on their laurels, the committee and Councils have pressed on to expand the trail, with two more sections under construction and are expected to be opened later in 2024.
The Friends of the Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail committee are also actively involved with trail planning, not just resting on the popularity of the current O’Keefe Rail Trail. They are working on two proposed linking trails, the Wallan to Heathcote Rail Trail and the Heathcote Rushworth Trail.

These proposals have positive support from Mitchell Shire, City of Greater Bendigo, Campaspe Shire, and the Dept of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA), plus local community groups. In the case of the Wallan to Heathcote Rail Trail, this development will importantly provide local communities with much needed and safer recreational and commuting facilities for individuals. The overall tourism benefits being realised once the whole trail in completed.
Like to assist the Friends group’s planning activities? Becoming involved is really easy. Just contact https://bendigokilmorerailtrail.com/contact-us/
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