The next Friends of the Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail’s monthly social ride will be on Wednesday, 26 July. The ride will be held during the morning, riding from the Lake Weeroona via the O’Keefe Rail Trail and Wellsford Forest to Huntly, and return.

Cycling in the Wellsford Forest

Being regularly held, these monthly social ride activities are for the group’s members, yet public individuals who are interested in joining this community group are also invited to participate.

Details are as follows:

  • Departing Lake Weeroona Bendigo Rowing Club car park (off Weeroona Ave) at 9.30 am sharp.
  •  The route travels out along the O’Keefe Rail Trail, Bendigo Bushland Trail, and Wellsford Forest to Huntly (coffee stop at the Huntly Bakery).
  • The return ride is along quiet roads on the western side of the Bendigo Creek to Epsom, and then along the Bendigo Creek Trail back to the start point. 
  •  The length of the ride is about 25km. The terrain is fairly flat.
  • Some of this ride is on sealed surfaces, yet most of the distance will be on gravel. 
  • The aim is to be back by midday.  
  • Please let Athol know if you are coming (txt 0428 510 518, or email [email protected]

For more group information or membership application forms, click on the following link