While the Victorian Railways were all about transporting goods and people, there was a low priority for preserving the natural environment. The Friends of the Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail members have completely different priorities and goals.

Planting underway. Photo: L. Clay

Reafforestating sections of the former railway reserve where the O’Keefe Rail Trail is now located, with native plants, is one goal that this active community group is pursuing.

Members planting, despite the wintery conditions. Photo: L. Clay

A working bee of volunteer members was recently held on the rail trail’s reserve, where once SECV poles were stored close to the former Rifle Butts railway platform area. With the City of Greater Bendigo staff assisting, the task was to plant out tube stocks of native plants. 

The planting crew. Job completed! Photo: C.Scott

It is expected that this planting will change that bare landscape area, to become an environment that will attract native fauna as well as for the enjoyment of community and trail users. Like to support similar efforts? Contact us, and become a member. https://bendigokilmorerailtrail.com/contact-us/

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