The O’Keefe Rail Trail users are now able to be more informed, about Heathcote’s points of interest and attractions. The Heathcote Lions Club recently initiated a project to have two new information boards designed and installed within the trail’s Herriot St shelter.

President Janette Dedman unveils the new information boards. Photo: Daryl Dedman

Under COVID19 restrictions conditions, Lions Club President Janette Dedman officially unveiled the notice boards witnessed by some Lions Club and Friends of the Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail members. Refer to this web’s ‘News Clippings’ page, for a related article published in the McIvor Times (28 Oct 2020)

The ‘Heathcote – An Interesting Place’ board depicts and describes six different locations to explore, all from within easy reach of the rail trail encouraging trail users to visit the town’s business area. The second information board highlights steps taken by the Lions Club to provide the rail trail with this amazing trail shelter, constructed from locally sourced forest timber. Details about the two co-located railway gates, restored and installed by the Friends of the Bendigo-Kilmore Rail Trail members, is also included with a photo and description.

Lions Club Shelter’s information boards. Photo: Daryl Dedman

Details contained in the two information boards, viewed via this link.

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