This looks like a fantastic opportunity to get some action on the O’Keefe rail trail.

From the Cycling Promotion Fund‘s Information Bulletin 21 April 2009:

The Australian Government has published details about the applications and assessment process for funding of bicycle infrastructure under its $40m Cycle Paths Fund, announced as part of its Economic Stimulus package. The Fund has been rolled into a $650 million Jobs Fund which will be administered by several government agencies, with the cycle path component under the jurisdiction of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.

Time lines are tight for funding applications with the submission deadline 22nd May 2009 for funding that will start from the 1st July 2009 and not extend beyond 30th June 2010.

Bicycle path funding may be provided for new routes and extensions or refurbishment of existing infrastructure, including off road bicycle paths (but not dedicated mountain bike trails), on-road bicycle lanes (e.g. road-widening and marking bike lanes on existing roads), and bicycle parking facilities.

Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the program is the requirement for a 50% joint funding contribution from each project. It appears that only the cycle path fund component of the Jobs Fund has this requirement but we are investigating to find out more details on what will be considered as joint funding.

Eligibility is broad with non-profit organisations, employment service providers, industry association, unions, peak bodies, regional development agencies, industry associations, local/state/territory governments and community organizations all eligible to apply for funding.

Projects of up to $2 million can be funded under the Local Jobs components of the funding.

With the focus on this fund providing jobs for Australians, at least one of the following criteria must be met:

  1. Create jobs or retain people in jobs at risk due to the downturn,
  2. Build skills for the future,
  3. Build community infrastructure or improve community amenity which generates local jobs, or,
  4. Provide seed funding for social enterprises to start up, maintain or expand services, generate jobs and improves community services.

The ‘gateway’ criteria that apply are that all applications are to be:

  • Projects are in areas experiencing high unemployment, a significant rise in unemployment or vulnerability
  • Projects are viable and ready to start, and,
  • Commonwealth funding will not extend beyond 30 June 2010.

See the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations website

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