Members of the Friends have re-elected their hardworking committee at yesterday’s AGM. These people will be steering us through the next year:

  • President: Garry Long
  • Vice-president: Les Lewis
  • General secretary: Colin Campbell
  • Treasurer: Colin Campbell
  • Minutes secretary: Jill Russell

The Friends also have a five sub-committees or action teams:

  • Activities
    All work and no play makes everyone dull – this team plans fun social outings and activities
  • Projects
    Hands-on, on the ground, getting things done team – they do things like recreate platforms and old railway infrastructure, source reproduction station signs and outdoor furniture for recreation reserves.
  • Communications
    Getting the word out team – website, social media, posters, flyers, submissions, reports.
  • History research
    Finding the stories behind the old railway – this team talks to people who remember it, digs out old photos, newspaper reports and documents.
  • Strategic planning
    The where-to-from-here team – who do we need to talk to, lobby, engage with?

All the teams are open to new members, so if you’d like to give a couple of hours a week in an area that interests you or in which you have skills and experience, we’ll be reviewing the teams at our next meeting on 15 January 2014.

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